Saturday, August 20, 2011

I just don't have the time to clip coupons.

Many people do not want to clip coupons, or compare prices because they claim they do not have the time. But the time they spend shopping impulsively when they run out of something, is just about equivalent to the time it would take to plan the trip. Consider the price matching option. 

If you are a one-stop-shopper, it behooves you to know the price of the competition, ie. drug stores, so that you may incorporate their rewards into the sale price of a price matched item at Walmart. That’s right! On single item sales attached to rewards (for example Pro Glide razors, $10 w/ $5 in rewards) = $5 price-matched. What if you had the $4 coupon P&G puts out almost every month? That’s right!! That is how a $10 item turns into $1.

Still not convinced? Ask yourself a few questions.

If your small grocery list takes a half hour to write, but it saves you $25, is it worth it?

If your mediocre list takes an hour to write, but it saved you $50, is it worth the time?

If you have a family of 4 or more, and you go shopping once or twice a week, at the most, would you spend an hour and a half price matching to save $100 a week? I would.

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