I want to focus on four major stores here. There are many times when you are able to stack a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon for a like item. When you can combine said item with a good sale price, these things can be close to free, if not actually “pay you” to take the item home.
Target: I have never had a problem with a coupon overage at Target going toward another item. My advice is to be discreet. Do not take your binder in the store. The bottom line is that every retailer reserves the right to restrict their clientele for whatever legitimate reason. I personally do not want to fight the issue. Just don’t advertise, plain and simple.
Walgreen's: Word on the street is that Wags will soon be going to a card. YAY!!!! No more shelf-clearing at Wags. Walgreen's has in-ad coupons and puts out a monthly coupon booklet. It is usually by the door. But their policy is much stricter. You can still stack coupons there, but the number of items purchased has to be more than or equal to the number of coupons being used. This ratio also includes the use of previous rewards. Anything scanned counts as a coupon. The only loophole is that sometimes their in-ad coupons count towards multiple items, therefore you can accommodate the ratio because they only have to scan the coupon once for 2-4 items. It can get very convoluted.
CVS: Very simple. CVS coupons are on their site, at the bottom of your receipt, and in the big red Magic Box when you scan your card.
Rite Aid: Rite Aid coupons are in-ad coupons, sometimes on their site or emailed to you, and you can earn them by watching videos and printing coupons. Video values link is below. Also requires registration.