Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Okay, Veet facial hair remover WORST PRODUCT EVER!!!!

So these strips are pretty small and in all my infinite wisdom, I tried them on my eyebrows. Not only did they not remove one single hair, the strips did not dry and the gooey wax stuck to my skin, and didn't come off with hot water. So, I got in the shower, used Biore scrub on my lids, and now I look like a mental patient from the broken blood vessels on my eyes.

It gets better.  Every time I open my eyes, my lashes stick to my lids. When I dried my face with a towel, I got lint on my lids. This crap is in my hair and it won’t comb out.

Dear Veet, I hate you. I got this garbage for free and I still want my money back.


  1. That was the best belly laugh I have had in a long time!! Stand up comedy... It's your calling. That bit could get you on Letterman.

  2. Wanna hear something funnier? This post was detected as spam. How is that for a LMAO!!!
