Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dear Borders, Whatever!

Just from a recession point of view, I don’t feel badly that Borders is going out of business. The good news is I found $65 in gift cards in my daughter’s room while de-hoarding today. (Pre-hurricane yard sale Saturday.) The bad news is they jacked the price up even more than they already were so that the 50% was not exactly wonderful. I mean, I should shut up right? They were gift cards therefore free to me, but this is why companies like that will lose in the long run, and they should.

The good news is that in addition to the 4 books my daughter got, we got Avatar the movie. Awesome flick. I can’t wait to see it again.

The better news is that from cleaning that abomination of a room, I found “Spice World” on VHS, STILL WRAPPED, WITH THE POSTER AND ALL!!! LOL!! Shame on me. What else do you think I will find? Be nice ;)


  1. I *HATE* that Borders is closing. Yes, they jacked prices on movies, etc, however I never bought those there....I went to the bookstore for~BOOKS, and ALWAYS used coupons, so never paid full cover price. Now I'll have to drive to Manchester, order online, or try to find the books I want in WalMart/Target (I dislike eReaders, I still prefer paper books).

  2. And you know, I feel you. I do. It was a good concept for a better economy. Business wise though, change with the times, or you will go out of business. Most people prefer not to go through the motions of coupons and rewards, as we both know. They easily could have revamped the concept years ago. This recession is not new. Honestly, I don't think they care. I am quite sure something else will come along. But it is hard to re-accomodate the ousehold need when something so convenient is gone. Though I did enjoy spending $65 in "found money" as it were.

  3. Other brick and mortar bookstores probably won't last long. Video stores are long dead, and I'm sure newspapers and magazines may not be far behind. If bookstores "upgrade" and are willing to carry Kindles, e-readers, and even tablets, portable DVD players,etc... and find a way to sell the books, music and videos as an all around entertainment store, they could do quite well. We will see.

    Nice score on the gift cards. No comment on Spice World. Did I mention that I really really really wanna Zigazig, ahhh...

  4. How the heck does that video store in down town Penacook stay open Eric? He still charges $3.50 per video per night too. IDK, I didn't think it was quite the boondocks. (JK Penacook peeps.)
