Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Small Business

I spent the afternoon passing out flyers to local businesses, you know, the small guy, to promote local consumption vs. focusing everything on multi-million dollar corporations. My theory is to buy the essentials from the big guy, and coupon swindle sale that stuff down to half or more, so that we can afford to collectively support our small businesses. Is this a Robin Hood theory? Maybe. But I like Robin Hood, so I don’t feel bad.

If you, or anyone you know, runs a small business and would like free advertisement of their weekly sales and specials, please give them my email or FB page info.

Market Basket this morning...

*2 Jamba Frozen Smoothies - $2 ea. (used (2) $1 Q’s from S.S.) = 2/$2

*2 Fresh Express Spring Mix- Sale 2/$3

*2 T.G.I. Friday frozen entrĂ©e’s – 2/$5 (advertised @ 4/$10) used (2) $1/1 Q’s in S.S. = 2/$3

*2  Odwalla Super Food Smoothies - sale 2/$3

*12 (yes 12, don’t judge me) M&M single packs – reg. price $.50 ea. Used (4) $1.25/3 = ALL $1!!

*1 Athenos Feta Cheese pack 4oz. pack – 2/$3 ($1.50 ea.) used $1 Q printable = $.50!

*Total Retail $28 easily
*Total OOP $12.50

You know you are a crazy coupon hoarder when...

*You get “down” to ten boxes of cereal and start to have a panic attack.

*You have discovered that is WAY cheaper to keep buying the Gilette Proglide starter razor kits than to buy the refill cartridges.

*Your husband, who has never built a shelf in his life, is attempting to build one in the garage. But it is not exactly for his tools.

*People say “Armageddon to your house for dinner”.

*You are (EXACTLY NOW) looking for an energy efficient freezer online.

*You are offended by the term “Hoarder”. You much prefer to be referred as “Recession Ready”.

*You don’t actually know how many flavored coffee creamers are in the freezer. (Maybe 10?)

*This list is beginning to annoy you.

*Any shopping excursion that is less than 80% savings p*sses you right off.

*Cashiers that don’t know their own coupon policy p*sses you right off.

*Expired coupons on products you like p*sses you right off.

*You couponed your coupon binder.