Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You know you are a crazy coupon hoarder when...

*You get “down” to ten boxes of cereal and start to have a panic attack.

*You have discovered that is WAY cheaper to keep buying the Gilette Proglide starter razor kits than to buy the refill cartridges.

*Your husband, who has never built a shelf in his life, is attempting to build one in the garage. But it is not exactly for his tools.

*People say “Armageddon to your house for dinner”.

*You are (EXACTLY NOW) looking for an energy efficient freezer online.

*You are offended by the term “Hoarder”. You much prefer to be referred as “Recession Ready”.

*You don’t actually know how many flavored coffee creamers are in the freezer. (Maybe 10?)

*This list is beginning to annoy you.

*Any shopping excursion that is less than 80% savings p*sses you right off.

*Cashiers that don’t know their own coupon policy p*sses you right off.

*Expired coupons on products you like p*sses you right off.

*You couponed your coupon binder.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!!! This is great!! Eric and I fall into.....ALL OF THE ABOVE!!
