I had a viewer admit this morning that the only reason she read my blog was to criticize me, claiming that I am no better than the average couponer. Guess what, she is absolutely right.
It is not my purpose to be the best. The best is already out there. It is my purpose to do two things. The first of which is to teach the willing how to coupon appropriately so that they can save legitimate and noticeable monies on their weekly personal needs. And the second would be to consolidate freebies and obscure coupons that are not advertised on the major coupon sites. I am just trying to make it easier for the average reader who does not want to spend hours searching for these deals.
See, many people regard couponing as a game. Whoever scores the most wins! Many people coupon to make money, using the cash back policies of the minimal stores that allow it. They stock up on things that have an overage in favor of the coupon, solely to collect the overage, not really needing the product to begin with. Umm, if this is the mentality of any viewer, you are on the wrong page. It is not my intention to direct anyone to multiple sales so that they can hoard any particular item, not caring what it is, as long as it is free. This is what gives couponing a bad name, in my humble opinion.
If anyone would like to direct a newbie my way so that they can be taught how to save money ethically on items they need and will actually use, please send them my way. If they want to learn how to shelf clear, please direct them somewhere else.
Thank you sincerely for you continuing support in my venture of self employment. Slowly but surely this is working out for me. I also want to say that just because the title is “Concord”, I do parties in other towns, as store policies are the same. The philosophy does not change, just the geography of what is available to the consumer. This is what I work with, the stores that are immediately available to your location.
Thank you again,
Samantha ;)