Thursday, September 1, 2011

Define shelf clearing.

Well, I mean I guess it is just like it sounds. If you have a stock piles worth of any one product in your basket, but there are 2 items left on the shelf, hate to clue ya. That is shelf clearing.  Consider some circumstances before you go on a coupon frenzy.

#1 How many people are in your home? My coupon couth, if you will, would be to NEVER buy more than a two week supply of any one type of item at any one time. 20 mustards, shelf clearing. 40 boxes of cereal, shelf clearing! 100 boxes of pasta, SHELF CLEARING!!!

#2  If you see a great sale, and you REALLY want to stock up, my coupon couth would be to make 1 trip in the beginning of the promotion, and 1 trip towards the end. That way it gives everyone a chance to capitalize. If there are many items to choose from in that promotion, for example this last week’s General Mills deal, please alternate products. I did this promo 3 times this week, but I mixed the order of things so I got a little of everything.

#3  If you think people will look at you funny in line, like you are preparing for a Nuclear Holocaust, chances are good that you are shelf clearing. I personally do not want people to think of me this way.

#4 There will ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS be another sale and more coupons to match. Please don’t get greedy. If you are cutting your spending in half by couponing, that is an AWESOME ratio. I notice that some people tend to get selfish. Like, if they don’t get 75% or better they get testy. This ratio will come in time, and some weeks are better than others. It certainly can’t be achieved by hoarding. If you are noticing a lack of shelf space due to an overage of products that were actually free, or cost you close to nothing, please donate them to a local food pantry. Toiletries are very hard to come by in the food pantries, and are the easiest to get for free in the drug stores.

Couponing can actually make you the most altruistic cat on the block. You give, you get. Trust me.

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