Sure we all know The Dollar Tree exists, but the questions really are, #1, are the products of any quality, and #2, is the amount you get per unit actually less than what you would pay at the grocery store? In other words, does The Dollar Tree actually provide value for the product you get.
Well, the answer can be tricky. I have definitely come across some items that I have seen on sale for less than $1, same size, same product. And I have also seen some products that I would basically never use, for lack of quality. So the only way for me to answer that question is to give a list of things that I ALWAYS look for at The Dollar Tree.
*Borax Laundry Booster- A couple times a year, I see a 40 load box of Borax at The Dollar Tree. I don’t know why it is there, but when it is, I get 5. The amount of money people spend on laundry soaps and fabric softener is basically obscene. The biggest enemy in your ability to fight stains and yellowing is hard water. If you can get this product for a dollar, jump at the chance. Then cut you laundry soap either in half or maybe just by 1/3 depending on the degree of soil. It sure beats Tide Stain release Booster at $10 a whack.
*Gift bags and tissue- Can I just say there is almost never a good reason to pay $5 for a gift bag?! I don’t know about you, but I would rather be able to refocus that money on the actual gift.
*Scotch Tape and other stationary- Just this morning they had double rolls of tape for $1. The best time to buy tape is either in October or November. Because in December, everyone else has this epiphany for Christmas wrapping, and they are often out. The next time you are there, grab some.
*Cellophane bowl covers- These things are like shower caps for food. I have yet to see them anywhere else, but I admit, I don’t look hard, because I know where to find them. These are great for family outings, when food has been served but you don’t want to put it away just yet. No one likes unwanted visitors in their food. YUCK!! So these can cover your pasta salads, keeping them insect free, and you can temporarily put it in the fridge until you transfer the leftovers.
*Sponges- I WILL NEVER PAY $3 FOR 2 SPONGES!!! The end.
*Spin and Span- You know, the deliberation of which cleaning product is the most toxic and harmful to the environment is a hot topic, and will likely not get solved any time soon. So, I submit that it is a matter of personal choice, and that moderation is key. Bleach vs. ammonia vs. phosphates vs. products that claim to be green. OMG shoot me already. Let me just tell you that, as I have no allergies, the most toxic thing in my house is the loss of money on superfluous cleaning products. If you truly want to go green, then use hot water and baking soda, or vinegar, or lemon juice for cleaning agents. Otherwise, if you cannot coupon something for less than $1 in the other stores, they are fundamentally all the same, and are available at The Dollar Tree.
*Super Glue- Brand name Super Glue is located up front by the registers and has been there consistently for at least 2 years. I have NEVER had a problem with the quality being outdated or dried up for whatever reason. I just got a 3 pack of gel this morning.
If you think the Dollar Tree is good for other things that I have not mentioned, feel free to share, either on the blog, or the page J
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