Do not overlook free money in your home. Many people throw things away like broken toasters, old extension cords or adapters, speaker wire etc... These things have metal value believe it or not. The copper in cords is big bucks when stripped down. Now maybe that is too time consuming for some people, and I don’t blame you at all. But the metal and wires are still worth storing, and cashing in as scrap metal (light iron) along with all your vegetable cans and such. They will strip the wires at the steel plant. Although I do want to say that Copper is well over $3 per lb. If you kept this metal in your garage and redeem it twice a year, I bet you would make $50 each time. IDK about you, but it is worth the trip to me.
If you are a soda drinker, remember to crush your cans and separate them from the steel. Aluminum is worth about $1 per pound vs. light iron at $.08 lb.
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